verbal dyslexia

Monday, August 16, 2004

I know you like to think your s*** don't stank...

I am confused. Wondering where people get off thinking that because they have an opinion of what they think your life should be , they give unsolicited "advice" when they have absolutely no credentials whatsoever to make those suggestions. I am especially peeved, because certain individuals can focus on someone for that persons' indiscretions, mistakes, etc., but when their own shortcomings are introduced, they go above and beyond what is necessary to justify and "spin" the situation..."Well my situation is different because ( insert bullshit excuse here)."

I have realized that I need to make some changes in how I interact with certain people and that makes me sad, because I never anticipated having to change the nature of those relationships. It is funny how people change, and funny how some don't . I have seen my group of close family/friends go from large to small over the years, and it is crazy to me how people that you once considered true blue homies evolve into less than acquaintances...Does that mean that the bond was not really that strong in the first place? I wonder all of the time if some relationships are worth holding on to...What makes a relationship worth salvaging? Is it knowing that there is a POTENTIAL for greatness, because of happy times that are quickly becoming smaller in the rearview?


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